Our family is scheduled to go to a very special event next week, specifically one of my nephews is go to be bar mitzvah-ed, or more properly said, going to become a bar mitzvah. In either the vernacular or the proper however, it is a BIG deal. So, being a family member of the guest of honor, we have to make sure we are dressed to the nines (where'd they get that phrase anyway?) . Problem is, our family is usually dressed to the two's, we might hit the fours or fives on occasion; but nines require us to get out there and spend some real numbers in time and money.
First let me get through the logistics of the day. We opted out of having neither the girls nor the congregation nor ourselves endure the girls endure the ceremony. So we just have ourselves and the three kids (hopefully all three). My mother in law will watch them while we are there, that is, she'll watch them if her back is able. She has been having relapses of an old back issue, and with Livie being, shall we say, physically difficult of late, we are scouring the area without much luck, for someone to ride shotgun in the house while we go. Right now, it looks like we're going to have to at least do something about the party afterwards. We'll probably leave Gracie home and take Livie.
I am first. Since life has not only seen me accumulate experience and battle scars, but also has physically accumulated on me, I can no longer count on major retailers putting on major sales to have sizes in my 'major' category. I love all those euphemisms for large: Plus size; the oldie but goody 'husky'; portly; women's sizes; big and tall, I'm sure if I actually went into stores, I could find a dozen more. My latest encounter was at Men's Wearhouse where I was declared an 'executive' size. Yup, I'm moving both up AND out in this world. What if I get any bigger? Am I then a VIP size; a presidential size...I guess they'll just stick with good ole' King size. Good experience from that place, from suit to tailor to shirt to tie....I'm set.
While Dillan's height has gone up, it's all just more beans on the pole; he has gotten use out of his last suit for three times counting this event. His 'difference' is in his shoe size. He's pretty much starting out in men's sizes, yet his feet are what they call narrow. He flopped out of the dress shoes we got off the internet, and we had to search out narrow sizes on Amazon. I honestly don't know how they did it before the internet. I guess that's one of the reasons society shunned those who were 'different', and maybe part of the reason society's getting wider, since strange sizes are now a click away. Heck, if I were a parent back in the 70's and I knew I couldn't find sizes for my kid, I would have stopped feeding them until they were back 'in range'.
Jason had proved even more a challenge. One suit we bought wound up being tight around the waist and we finally scoured all over the real and virtual earth to find something that A) fit; B) He liked and C) did not clash with Dillan's suit. By clash I'm sure you realize that means 'is NOT the same'. If you talked to them, being dressed at all similar would mean the equivalent to a personal Armageddon.