Friday, July 06, 2007

Finally Feeling Human Again

We made it through my 'official' vacation last week, this week is a mini vacation (July 4th through the 8th). The cat situation has calmed down to no hissing, friends being made, alliances formed; a feline family of four! We feel like we are actually making traction against the tide of life. We're knocking off dirty rooms one by one; leaving wonderfully clean rooms in their wake. The mountains of laundry are being reduced to molehills, finally finishing off the winter clothes and getting them up in the attic! I've attacked and defeated most of the poison ivy in the backyard and have continued to clear land.

On the autism front, both girls are settling into a summer routine and while we don't like the 6:00 wake up call to get Liv out the door at 7:15, they are adjusting very well. The 'filler camp' last week worked like a charm for Liv and she came home tired and very happy. Other therapies continue unabated by the heat, but without everyone else in school, it is a much less hectic schedule. We may even get to sleep in the WHOLE weekend this weekend!

Activities for all the kids begin in a couple of weeks so we'll pick up steam then. We'll need another vacation when I take another week off in August. WOW, what a gloriously dull post, but I have not been this relaxed in MONTHS. I may just take out my Taylor 555 and work out 'Over the Hills and Far Away' tonight.

Don't sound like much of a vacation, but to me, it's HEAVEN!

Summertime and the livin's easy for sure...

1 comment:


One more week to go until our summer holidays, I am making the most of the organisation that comes with school. You sound as if you are all having a brilliant time.