Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Hope You Have a Good Time With Your 3%

I'd like to thank all the tightwad idiots in our township for defeating our school budget today. The next time you complain about the decline of your town, your county, your state and your country, you can give yourselves a well-deserved pat on the back for not adequately funding the education of future generations. Now go take the bus down to Atlantic City and blow your 3% winnings on the slots...maybe we can get some of your losses back into education for NJ schools. Meanwhile, you'll have plenty of highly qualified workers to clean your bedpans when you are an invalid in a nursing home because you didn't want a 'non-American' doctor taking care of you. Sorry, no money in the budget to educate those future doctors in America, so there are no good ones.

Thanks too Governor Chris Cross-tie for helping those budgets along by telling voters to vote down school budgets to complete his vendetta against the teachers union. I suppose all these people who send their kids to private schools (including him) need all the tax breaks they can get. Let's hope we still have a state left to vote him out in 2013...

Sorry folks, I'm pissed and our kids WILL suffer, I can't let it go without at least a rant...

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