A little birdie told me my family's looking at my blog (actually I'm the little birdie that told them). I guess I have to watch my language. Not that they're this puritanical bunch, my brothers and sisters sometimes curse like sailors now. It's just that, when we were children, our household never tolerated any form of bad language in the house. No forms of sexual talk either, except maybe what type of stork brought the babies to the house.
To illustrate, one time we were driving in the country when we were kids and we saw a bull mount a cow. Now my mother in law, a nurse, would have showed her kids "Look, their mating!", stopped the car, and taken pictures. My mother, on the other hand, mumbled "Oh Dear' and looked the other way. So cursing and sex were learned where they ought to be learned...on the street.
Now in proper context, one day, when I was in my late teens (well back in the 20TH Century) we asked my mother what we are having for supper. Completely straight-faced and dead pan she said "Shit on a shingle." We were floored, dumbstruck. I had NEVER heard either of my parents EVER curse. "Mom, WHAT did you SAY?" we stammered. Her explaination was "Well, that's what they called it in the Army!" My virgin teenage fucking ears! They had never cursed in front of me, and our reaction ensured that she never did again.
So, of course as adults, we were as loose with our tongues as a rapper on a rant. But alas, parenting changes your tune. Linda and I were kind of gutter mouth-ed through the birth of our first child, Aly. We remained that way until around two, until one day, I was putting together a piece of furniture and hurt my hand and said "Shit!". Of course, you guessed Aly kept repeating "Shit, shit,shit-shitshit". Our potty mouthed days were over after enduring the scowls of or day care provider. Today. we're not QUITE as stringent as my parents household was (thanks to my mother in law's clinical ideas of explaining sex... and her forgetfullness sometimes with four letter words in front of the kids!) , but we're sure that any language learned will originate from the street, we'll take care to get into the definitions. Maybe we'll save the questions so they can ask Grandma!
Now, we're much much more stringent with our vocalities, and our kids have a virginal perspective of language where words like stupid, idiot, shut up, hate, dumb, be quiet and retard are just as bad as the other 7 you cannot say on TV (gawsh, even THAT phrase is meaningless now with HBO!). The 'street' is catching up with our two oldest however, and we THINK they now know most of the real bad words. Although I'm not askin' which ones they know!
Anyway, I went back and cleaned up my old posts...we'll have to have an air of civility around my family...unless you have a good 'clean' dirty joke... my dad loves those!
To illustrate, one time we were driving in the country when we were kids and we saw a bull mount a cow. Now my mother in law, a nurse, would have showed her kids "Look, their mating!", stopped the car, and taken pictures. My mother, on the other hand, mumbled "Oh Dear' and looked the other way. So cursing and sex were learned where they ought to be learned...on the street.
Now in proper context, one day, when I was in my late teens (well back in the 20TH Century) we asked my mother what we are having for supper. Completely straight-faced and dead pan she said "Shit on a shingle." We were floored, dumbstruck. I had NEVER heard either of my parents EVER curse. "Mom, WHAT did you SAY?" we stammered. Her explaination was "Well, that's what they called it in the Army!" My virgin teenage fucking ears! They had never cursed in front of me, and our reaction ensured that she never did again.
So, of course as adults, we were as loose with our tongues as a rapper on a rant. But alas, parenting changes your tune. Linda and I were kind of gutter mouth-ed through the birth of our first child, Aly. We remained that way until around two, until one day, I was putting together a piece of furniture and hurt my hand and said "Shit!". Of course, you guessed Aly kept repeating "Shit, shit,shit-shitshit". Our potty mouthed days were over after enduring the scowls of or day care provider. Today. we're not QUITE as stringent as my parents household was (thanks to my mother in law's clinical ideas of explaining sex... and her forgetfullness sometimes with four letter words in front of the kids!) , but we're sure that any language learned will originate from the street, we'll take care to get into the definitions. Maybe we'll save the questions so they can ask Grandma!
Now, we're much much more stringent with our vocalities, and our kids have a virginal perspective of language where words like stupid, idiot, shut up, hate, dumb, be quiet and retard are just as bad as the other 7 you cannot say on TV (gawsh, even THAT phrase is meaningless now with HBO!). The 'street' is catching up with our two oldest however, and we THINK they now know most of the real bad words. Although I'm not askin' which ones they know!
Anyway, I went back and cleaned up my old posts...we'll have to have an air of civility around my family...unless you have a good 'clean' dirty joke... my dad loves those!