Friday, April 04, 2008

Can I Play Sykes Google Hit Too?

sykes sykes sykes sykes Oh how much fun! sykes sykes sykes sykes To be named in a subpoena! lawsuit lawsuit lawsuit I can annoy a LAWYER, what purpose could be higher! pharma conspiracy pharma conspiracy pharma conspiracy pharma conspiracy What could all those people named on that list possibly have to do with a frivolous lawsuit? Quack reverend Quack reverend Quack reverend Gee, I hope I make it on the NEXT Subpeona...

Fo those not up on this, someone has subpoena-ed an autism blogger because she had talked about a lawsuit on a pharmaceutical corporation by a private-typ person named Rev Lisa Sykes, who is suing these companies because she feels her child's autism was caused by vaccines...

Whether I agree or not, to drag someone's opinion in a blog into a lawsuit is just just just so...Lisa lisa lisa get a grip get a grip get a grip


Jenny said...

You are on the hub because someone of that family let you in, because that person is funding it... Maybe a little a little gratitude and respect might be in order?

Naaaaah. Too much to ask for. :-/

Unknown said...

Camille, I think you misunderstand what Livsparents are trying to say in this post. They are (in their own way) mocking the actions of Sykes and Shoemaker.

abfh said...

And while you're playing, don't forget to mention the dirtbag lawyer, Clifford Shoemaker Shoemaker Shoemaker...


Jenny said...

It would be interesting to hear what livsparents has to say, considering that he leans toward believing that vaccines can cause autism in some cases.

I wonder if he disapproves of what Lisa Sykes is doing with her son or thinks she might be on to something.

My apologies if his main point was to mock the slimy behavior of Sykes and Shoemaker, but for some reason Livsparents didn't realize that it was a "Shomeaker themed" google thing most of us were going for.

What's wrong with calling the situation as he sees it openly instead of doing what looks like a sham attempt to register sham sympathy for how Kathleen has been treated? Apologies to Livsparents if I just totally missed his point.

David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E. said...

"They are (in their own way) mocking the actions of Sykes and Shoemaker."

They are (in their own way) mocking the actions of Shytes and Shitmaker, you mean :P

Liz Ditz said...

I am keeping a running list of responses to the Seidel subpoena at I Speak of Dreams. I've added your blog.


I'm sorry if you missed the point Camille, it seemed obvious to me all this scheister did was google his cliet's name and autism and copied and pasted every google blog hit he found.

My leanings toward treatment and causation are, shall we say, eclectic, but any attempt to drag anyone's honest interpretation of studies into a frivolous frivolous at best...harrassment at worst, seems to me to be closer to the worst case scenario.

In the future, when in doubt...NEVER take me seriously, nobody else does...